Monday, 28 May 2012

best news i've heard in a week

The Best News I've Heard In A Week

Royal North Shore Hospital, X-ray clinic

A week today since i left hospital! Or maybe its a week tomorrow? I dunno, lets not let the facts get in the way of a good story....... So there i was today, sitting in the x-ray clinic waiting room.....

Two things i noticed about this clinic. 
  1. the interior needs a serious re-decoration (way too 70's)
  2. the TV is 100 years old and is most definitely there for decoration
Not to mention that it has that token "hospital smell" that i strongly dislike.... As i sit there in discomfort (as per usual) i have to listen to this asian woman banging on about how 'cheap' the hospital looks and that they should employee more staff. Apparently if we have nicer looking hospitals, cancer patients will heal much faster..

I felt like telling this woman, who by the way; had a handbag that appeared to be a coles shopping basket, that maybe if she didn't like the public hospital, she could spend the money to go private. Where the hospitals are prettier and have many staff. But something told me that this socks and sandals wearing peasant was not into spending big on....anything at all. I hope her x ray's gave her cancer.......JOKING.

Did i mention she spoke too loudly? 

                               Socks and Sandals say: I don't give a fuck what i look like, in any language

So whatever, when i finally got into the x-ray room, i was greeted by what i can only describe as Julia Gillards identical twin.......if Julia was 5ft tall and Thai. Come to think of it, she looked nothing like Julia Gillard at all.

But this chick was tiny, and i am 6'5.. and when getting a neck x-ray, one must be lined up very precisely. This was proving very difficult for my thai midget who had to go and get a chair to stand on, just so we could get the right body position. HAHA.small people.

                                                 I think this was my x-ray lady?

Its weird, she kept saying "your so tall!" and for some reason i kept saying "sorry" as though it were my bad (which it is not). But its rude to say "oh really? I had not realised this until now! Thank you thai midget, for opening my eyes to this strange new height of mine"

My head increased about 30 sizes, when she informed she she did not know much about sports, and asked me if i played for Australia. I calmly replied with "probably next year"

Cause i am new to this blogging thing and don't quite know what or how to write, i will get to the main point of my story.

Doctor (insert name here) comes along and tells me that due to my good looks and winning personality (he didn't REALLY say that), i could be out of my power-rangers neck brace IN 4 WEEKS MAYBE POSSIBLY!

Super stoked to hear that, made my day for sure.  Put me in the best of moods! Now all i have to do is deal with centrelink like a true aussie bludger. I need money. Tomorrows adventure: Centrelink. God i hope its just how i picture it in my mind. 

Still gotta take it easy on the movement front, and get my neck fixed asap. I can see sweet head banging freedom just around the corner......

Yeah thats it, if my blog is a total waste of your time and you hate reading it then let me know via facebook and i will kindly go tell you to fuck yourself. You come to me with a better way to fill in time. love you. PEACE


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